House of Sobek
House of J'Atar

Members of the House of J'Atar


Members of the House of Y'Alla

Character Photo Gallery







Family Members



- Noble House of the Crocodile - J'Atar -
Followers of Sobek

Amenemhet III - Father - 50 years old -  Caliph - Murdered
Nebheteptycred - Mother - 35 years old - Murdered

Senaquist - Son - 37 years old - Warrior/Judical Authority - Murdered
Zaphnath-paaneah - Son - 33 years old - Assassin - Caliph of the House of J'Atar 
Rekhmire - Son - 32 years old - Brew Master
Refferin - Wife of Rekhmire - 30 years old - House Mistress - Murdered
*Their children:
*Sekhmirre - Daughter - 18 years old - Scribe

Amenemhet IV - Son - 30 years old - Warrior
Farrin - Wife of Amenemhet IV - 28 years old - Judical Scribe - Murdered
*Their children:
*Saharra-Nefu - daughter- 19 years old - Scribe
*Hetaten - Son - 16 years old - Warrior

Anhur - Son - 29 years old - Twin to Sithathorre - Priest of Sobek

Sithathorre - Daughter - 29 years old - Twin to Anhur - Priestess of Sobek
 (Widow )
* Her children:
*Deshratu - Daughter - 15 years old - Priestess of Sobek  

Heshire - Son - 28 years old - Physician
Sahure - Son - 26 years old - Import/Export 

Ptahneferu - Daughter - 24 years old - Import/Export
Nekhau - Son - 23 years old - Warrior

  Taharka - Daughter - 22 years old - Prophet/Astrologist
Guardian of the Gods Secrets
Married to Sir Trevor Cairns 
  Sobekneferu ( Desert Rose ) - Daughter - 20 years old - Shield Maiden -
Married to Sir Kevin Finnerty 

(If you'd be interested in playing a family member, or associate to the J'Atars, please email TaharkaJAtar@aolcom or
(Green - Open Characters ..... Blue - Charcacters claimed)

Temple Guards

Havier Alamer ~38 years old ~ Guard Commander

Senquis Jetti ~ 32 years old ~ Second in Command

Yezaraphat Tenqu ~ 35 years old ~ Guard

Ekment Sahph ~ 28 years old ~ Guard

Nemmen Vemat ~ 28 years old ~ Guard

Tappaur Meur ~ 25 years old ~ Guard

Sorcphet Deneur ~ 24 years old ~ Guard

Amenapuer Zemenit ~ 20 years old ~ Guard



Friends, Foes and Associates of the House of J'Atar

Tarik Okpara Yafeu - Warrior - Childhood friend of Anhur - 28 years old - Murdered/Reborn through Set(h)/Anubis -  Vengence Rider of the Gods

Heru'aken Basuret Menkurere Usermaatre Setepenre - Lord High Royal General - 30+ years - Noble Lord of Cyprus, House of Horus

Nymphaea Caerule - Qaina - 18 Years old

Zacheus Domenc - Ghost Rider/Reborn Dark Rider - Age unknown

Akhenaten Reshef - Priest - 28 Years old - In service of Set(h)

Sanura Djari - Qaina - 19 Years Old

Hematuin - The Dark Prince/Pharoah of Egypt - 23 Years Old

Imenahkt - House of Sehmerkhet - 29 years old

Amarna Y'Alla - Priestess - House of Bast - 20 Years Old

Enneas Y'Alla - Priest - House of Bast - 19 Years Old

Armohnd Sibuna - Enforcer of Anubis/Dark Riders - Age Unknown

Anubis - God of the Dead - Age Unknown

Set(h) - God of Evil and Chaos - Age Unknown

Chamaat Meryt - Qaina - 19 years old

Miltani - General of Hematuin's Army - 29 years old

Tarchun-dara - Hematuin's Champion - 26 years old