The fall of the House of J'Atar
House of J'Atar

Members of the House of J'Atar


Members of the House of Y'Alla

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The attack on the House of J'Atar

:: Within the walled confines of the noble house, all were asleep but for a few servants who tended to their chores during the coolness of the suns absense.  She herself was at the side of her fathers bed, his breathing could be heard on the other side of the door.  The elder man had contracted pneumonia, which has placed him out of commission and now threatened his very existance.  That very afternoon the last of the legal documents had been delivered.  She was now the legal heir to all her fathers domaine if for some reason he didn't survive his illness.  On the second floor of the manor is where all the sleeping chambers rested, open arches would give view to the desert area that surrounded them, covered with a thin sheer material of silk to keep out tiny pests.  The lower level was lavish as to be expected, the families wealth was easily displayed through the pricy decor.  The grounds outside were as still as the house itself, except for a few neighs from the Arabian breed of horses within their stahls,   and the occassional grunt from camels retained near in their corral. :: 

  He sat upon his golden war chariot he had ridden through every campaign he had been through. His obsidean eyes gazed upon the massive estate before them, indeed it was hardly guarded and not walled off, with an inner grin he spoke aloud:: One wouldn't think this is the home of the Great House of the Crocodile where the famed Desert Rose dwells..::His mind still held that fletting image of her sweet form upon the horizon after her nights stay in his company. He merely shook his head and looked to the men   surrounding him. They were his elite his Immortals as he called them. They were all skilled in the art of war verterens and the only none royal guard whom were perminate soldiers forever training between campains. Feared almost as much as he this force of Immortals were the Pharaoh's personal army. The only way they would be here was if they recieved personal orders from the Pharaoh himself allowing such an action. Indeed he had permitted and ordered this attack  without any persuasion upon the Princes part   Now the Prince stood upon his chariot they men behind him numbering over 1000 men 300 of them archers ready to fire from afar. Slowly the prince looked to the dark blue sky as dawn slowly approched he looked to the archers behind him thier torched steaked into the ground before them with a slight nod the men lit the tips of the notched arrows and held them at ready Looking to his remaining men he finally spoke his voice a mere whisper but it was heard amoung the massed group of men.:: Take only the Desert    Rose and her father...I want them alive, spare no one else I want the J'Atar blood the stain this estate red...I say again SPARE no one women, children, babies, eldars, servents, slaves, and even the beast of burden I want nothing left alive here after we leave....::With that said the 700 mounted men withdrew their swords the snorts of their mounts was all that could be heard as the prince motioned to the archers whom released their inflamed arrows. The flames swiftly journeyed to the estate. Upon the  release of the volley the men charged the Prince leading the way his golden chariot kicking up ther earth as he rode on his sword held high as the war cries broke the silence and filled the air as already the arrows landed upon the estate the flames already igniting small fires as they began to grow swiftly upon the dry land of the estate.:: 

There was little need for guards to surround the massive manor, very few dared to approach the home, for the same reason the Black Asp didn't have to worry about any intruding his own, fear.  A few guards would be milling about the grounds itself, keeping an eye on the animals, to ensure the hyenas and other preditors didn't attack them during the night.  Screams were what awoke her from where she layed with her head on the bed at her fathers side.  It took a moment for her to awaken fully, then jump to her feet and race to the balcony of his room.  Adorned in only a drape of material to cover her breast, the white cloth a stark contrast to the bronze coloration of her flesh.  A gold braid about her hips, the same white material only looped through it, to drape down her front between her legs, and the back with the material slid between her legs.  At    first eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, she then jumped to the side as a flaming arrow shot past her.  Quickly she ran back to her fathers room, bare feet slapping the tile floor.  She had to get him out of there and fast.  Men and women alike took to arms, some with swords, while others gathered what they could to fend off the approaching army.  Screams and cries filled the air of humans and animals alike as the slaughter began.  Grabbing her own sword, it was then laid upon a chair   at her fathers bedside, while she urged the sick man from his bed as smoke began to fill the room from the fires that had caught upon the material that covered the room.  He began a coughing fit and doubled over.  She urged him further, then grasping her sword in hand, lead him out of his room to a set of stairs that would take them out the back of the manor and to the underground cave near by they used. :: 

  ::Soon the warcries turned into the screams of pain, and the sounds of battle. The army had made it into the courtyard of the Estate and had crashed into the line of guards, servents, and family that had taken arms against the invaders. Not as many as one would think though upon the estate of that size. Many of the servents and slaves cowarded and ran about shreaking in fear others attempted to flee the estate only to be pin cushioned by the archers that had now encircled the estate upon the Prince's orders  to kill all whom came into their line of sight. The Prince himself had already punched a hole in the line of warriors his war chariot cutting through the lines under its iron shod wheels. His sword had begun to clever through the unarmored flesh of the untrained warriors. As his men followed suit making short work of the warriors thier ranks engulfing the small line sending them swiftly in unorganised retreat. The prince jumped down swiftly the counter attck of warriors were the acctuall garrison of the   estate the younger brother of the Desert rose and several of her male cousins lead the charge with a growl of excitment the prince charged as well, his men swiftly following on foot behind him, the courtyard to small to use calvalry. The crach of the 2 lines of men was deafening, the prince moved much like his Namesake serpent swift, and light upon his feet he struck with amazing force her brother his first opponent the young man a mere 16 but still strong and trained. As their blades met with a shower of   sparks and force the men around them in turn began their attacks upon each other. Swiftly the prince was put on the defensive deflecting the wild blows coming from the young man. With a grin the Prince deflected the feeble blows from the boy till he spoke his voice heard over the mill of battle. :: Nice show boy....But tell the Lord Anubis your family will all visit him.... All except that beutey of a sister she is saved for me personally ::With that the prince caught the wrist of the lad his sword still in  hand as the lad tried feebly to release himself from the iron grip of the dark prince. Slowly the prince rose his sword his eyes locked upon the lad as it swiftly fell down making contact with his head cleaving it in half. the spray of blood splattered his chest with droplets of the crimson liquid as he moved on dealing death to others through the line.::

  :: Cries, screams and moans now filled the very air about her as the sun began its slow ascent.  At least the souls of her brave people would find themselves at her God's side.  She struggled down the stairs, helping her father as she moved.  Her other arm moved with swift precision, cutting through the men who barred her way, or attempted to capture her or her father.  It was far from an easy task, trying hard to keep her father safe.  Blood dripped from the razored edge of steel in her hands control, the 
men yet to be identified as to place, were left either on their journey to meet their own God, or in the grips of deaths hand as their last breaths were being taken in.  One of her servants noticed her struggle and quickly moved to help her with the weight of her father upon her.  Now between the two of them, motion was somewhat quicker. Her blade cutting through flesh, as they began to cross the ground towards their safehold.::
EgyptianBlackAsp:  ::Soon the Prince stood now amid the whirlwind of death, his men had now flooded the estate's courtyard, the estate itself was being eaten by the fires set by his archers, the guards that now stood in small pockets defending themselves from the endless onslaught of men seemed to lose heart by the second. Many of his own men now stood before him awaiting further orders, their captian now returning to his side as well as the last of the men retreated out into the arms of his archers, lead by the Desert Rose's   own uncle his blade had been dropped, many people threw down their weapons in attempt to surrender only to have their now defensless bodies cut down. The prince surveyed the scene slowly as he looked to the small patches swiftl disappearing under the massed pack of men the prince controlled. His voice rising over the crackling of the flames and the screams of pain of the wounded and dying.:: Find the Lord of the J'Atar and his Daughter....Bring them to me....::With that the men disbursted over the estate  their voices relaying the orders to the remainder of the warriors whom now joined the search. The bodies of the dead lay now carpeting the ground their blood puddling into lakes and running down the dry ground soaking into the earth slowly the crimson fluid changing the ground as the screams and sounds of war slowly died down the screams and roars of victory swiftly replaced the screams of terror:: 

:: Soon they were being surrounded, their escape route quickly cut off by the armed men.  Dark eyes narrowed, deadly was the look they held.  She knew she couldn't take them all on and ensure her fathers well being.  Bloodied blade gripped tightly in one hand, her arm about her fathers waist as she held up the man with the use of her body as a prop.  Her fathers breathing had worsened, he was fighting to remain concious to not burden his daughter and their servant. :: Open a way to let us through. :: Came   her commanding voice as she raised her sword ready to strike.  She would not die without a fight, nor would her father.  The men circling her spoke not a word, though a snicker could be heard from one of them.  This only infuriated her more as she stood her ground. :: I deman to see your general, now! :: She knew not of the welfare of the rest of her family or servants. :: 

::With that the men whos murmers and whispers went silent and a small path was parted so there stood the Prince walking slowly the blood of her brother still dripping from his chest as he stopped paces from her and her father his dark eyes locking with hers with a soft grin his own sword had been sheathed but as he looked to her sword he saw it dripping with blood. His voice filled the silent air as he watched her and her father within her arms:: By order of his greatness the Pharaoh....And myself Prince of   these lands I here by disband the Great House of the Crocodile and the family J'Atar.....::His eyes locked upon the woman with a soft playful grin as he spoke:: It is never good to gain more power than your rulers....But never the less I speak to you now as a warrior to a fellow warrior...throw down your weapon and I will see to it no Harm befall your father nor yourself and you shall regain your station of respect, or you will suffer the same fate of your younger brother whom died honorably I assure you... 

  :: At first she was taken back by the one who appeared from the sea of battle worn flesh.  Her eyes then narrowed as she glared at the Prince, making a point to avoid noticing the blood of her family upon him.  Her jaw clenched for a moment, her hand gripped the hilt of her sword tightly between clenched fingers.  All her work, all her manipulations in gaining lands to build the empire was destroyed in the matter of hours.  She knew well the words he spoke would be true, if she held her ground, her own life   would be taken, her blood to spill upon the ground.  This was only a temporary set back, she built once, she could do so again, but only if she lived.  A slow intake of breath, then she heard her fathers raspy words. ::: Relent my daughter, you serve Sobek better if you live. :: She glanced over at her father and then back to the Black Asp.  Her hand raised and she threw her sword like a dagger, the blade to imbed within the softness of the sand before and between the Princes feet.  An indication she could have easily killed him at that moment if it was her desire. :: You have my surrender, Prince.  :: Sarcasim ebbed in her words, more angry at herself for having given in to this man not long ago, only to be conquered by him in another manner.:: 

::He smiled softly looking at the sword as he picked it up slowly from within the earth his men yelling in defiance and anger, how dare a woman insult their prince. Buyt slowly the Prince spoke once more looking to his men then back to her:: Take her father from her burdon.....Sobekneferu come her take your place by my side...I assure you all will turn out well in the come to me.....::His eyes never left her's as 2 men slowly approched her taking a spot on either side of her father as they    drapped his arms over themselves supporting his weight as all the men merely watched her in silence. the Prince knew this as he looked to them slowly then back to the Princess offering her his hand walking to meet her in the center of the circle of men that now surrounded them:: 

:: A glance to the men that approached, her wanting to threaten them if any harm came to her father was only a thought, no words to be spoken.  Dark eyes then turned to meet her fathers saddened ones, she didn't like that look, but there was little she could do.  Leaning to place a kiss upon her fathers cheek, it was then she stepped away as the men took him in their care.  Turning to now face the Prince, she squared her shoulders and held her chin up high in that regal state she was so well known for.    Bared feet carried her forward, the white cloth which ran between her legs and hung to the ground in the front and back soiled with blood and soot, like that top which barely covered her assets.  Some blood still clung to her arm, where it splattered when her sword found its victim.  Up to him she moved in the center of that human ring, a bloodied hand moved to take his own, a show that even in defeat, a few had paid with their lives to get to her. :: 

  ::Taking her hand the damp slick liquid upon her hand combined with the blood upon his hand, He pulled her into and embrace in the tight hug he spoke so softly that it was hard for her to understand as well.:: These men are loyal to my uncle therefore you must be ready to do exactly as I say or the revenge you so desire against the man whom ordered this will be failed...I had no choice I will tell you of my plans later when we are alone....But you must exactly as I tell you for the moment..::With that he  released the embrace his eyes locked upon her as he grinned once more to himself. Yes he will make her belive his uncle was to blame for the blood spilled her this morning. Yet his dark heart knew better he had forced this issue he needed this woman by his side and he would use all to make her his servent, and she would assist his assention willing or not. As he looked back to his men whom all had their blades out , slowly the Prince walked to the Lord his eyes falling upon the old man, his feeble body   supported by his men as the old wore eyes tried unsuccessfully to maintaine the gaze. Finally the Prince spoke his voice filling the air and estate as a whole.:: I come on behalf of the Great Pharaoh...::Slowly he reached to his belt and held up a small scroll of papyrus and began to read it slowly looking to the loord then back to the warrioress slowly:: His Greatness Pharaoh Nefu, High Ruler of The Upper kingdoms, and Master of the Lower Domain, Sovern of Ethiopa, King of the Nile, and Lord of the great    Sahara....Here by orders the disbandment by blood of the Family of J'Atar ....All males of the bloodline is to be exicuted, and females unwilling to swear loyalty to the Royal Seal, and show so by example thier loyalty will in turn be exicuted as well....Also the lord of the Family Imenatk shall be exicuted and his body burned to nothing...::With that he held up the scroll bearing the seal of the Pharaoh:: So says the our Lord and So shall it be...::Slowly he returned to the warrioress' side watching her.::   Now is the time to swear your loyalty to your Pharaoh.....

 :: Inwardly her rage roared like the very fires lit in the hidden temple.  At least the priest and priestess' would be safe from this blood bath.  Vengence was formating in the back of her mind, and her blood nearly ran cold when she heard the Pharaoh's decree.  The Prince had promised her fathers saftey, now it was decreed that her father was to die after all.  That narrowed gaze, so full of contempt would turn upon the Prince, then turn to look at her father who even though ill and his death sentence   declared, stood with as much of a regal stature as he could.  The Elder nodded his head to her, the only sign needed from him to know she would be forgiven for what she must do.  Her hand would do no good if a funeral pyre was to be her destination.  Not once did she look to the Asp, her eyes remained fixated on those of her sire. :: I swear my loyalty to the Pharaoh. :: There was a cold edge to her words, nearly as sharp as that of her blade.:::: 

  ::Sighing he slowly withdrew his sword and placed it into her hands his eyes moving to her face. His face was a wall of emotion as the men around him clamored to be the one honored with the duty of ending the old mans life he merely put his hand up silence quickly following the gesture as he spoke once more.:: As an example of your loyalty to your Pharaoh you are to complete his orders by exicuting the Lord of the J'Atar.....Upon this I shall place my protection upon you and you shall officially become part  of the Royal Family...As Prince I say and my word is beyond that of all question.....::His eyes lock with the young woman slowly:: Now put him out of his misery and take your place at my side and we shall return to my Palace....::with that said he took a step back allowing her a clear path to her father still dependent upon the warrior his weakened form merely looking on helplessly.:: 

:: Those dark eyes snapped into the direction of the Black Asp, anger and hate easily recognized in those glaring depths.  That only added fuel to the fire, deep within the warrioress heart.  Her mind was screaming out the words she dared not utter.  She swore to her God Sobek, the Pharaohs throat would feel the coldness of her steel, even if she lost her life in the end.  She gripped the unfamiliar hilt in her hand, it was then her gaze turned back to her father.  The elder man shrugged out of the warriors  hold upon him, to sink down to his knees upon the warming sands with the suns rising.  She held back those bitter tears that threatened to spill, causing those darkened depths to glimmer brightly.  The lump that formed in her throat felt as if it would choke her as she took those few steps forward gazing down at the prone figure of her father before her. :: Forgive me now for that I must do, Sire. :: Came the choked words as she looked down at him.   Her fathers head lifted to look up at her and to her surprise he smiled. :: I'm ready, my daughter, my soul will be taken home.  You do nothing to be forgiven for, I am proud of you my daughter, and shall always be.  Just make the cut swift and true, is all I ask. :: His head bowed forward one more as he drew his gaze from her.  She shifted to one side and slowly raised the blade up above her head.  Never in her life had she had trouble in taking a mans life, yet this was far from normal circumstances.  A deep breath taken, then the blade flashed downwards, a soft prayer spoken to her God as her fathers head rolled away from his body as it slumped to the side.  She simply threw the sword to the ground and it layed beside his head and she turned to simply walk away, not looking at any, yet she maintained that defiant air about her in that regal nature. ::



Taharka's History ~ Guardian of the Gods